Home Needs
The home visits were conducted strategically witch assigned roles to each team member; there was a primary spokesperson conducting the interview questions, two scribes to take notes of what they heard was said or left unsaid, and another taking notes on what they saw. It was helpful to gain insight into the home owners psychology through speaking with them, however many valuable observations were made simply from looking around at modifications they had made.

Children's space
Family space and social gatherings
Creating space through organization
Lack of time/skills/knowledge

Where nature and technology meet.
We were fascinated by how insect colonies achieve global tasks through communicating local information. They function on a "decentralized" system as opposed to a "centralized" one.
The former style allows for each unit to act dynamically and fluidly to changing conditions.

Biomimetic Tech
We envisioned a world where AI and drones have developed enough to operate under this swarm behavior to achieve a collective task. Instead of a central operating system, imagine multiple drone units acting independently. These singular units would be owned by different people who want to participate in the investment towards a larger communal need.
Nature's Building Principles
As we dove into researching nature and its beautiful peculiarity, there were three phenomena that we became fascinated with.

Building the Model
Our team's CAD explorer built the computer model using the Grasshopper plug-in for the Rhino3D platform which allowed him to enter algorithms to achieve the desired result.
Left: cross-sectional view inside the structure.
The numbered triangles ensure correct orientation of each piece, and indicate the real-life sequence for building.

Above: 36 - piece model made on a SLS 3D printer at 1:32 scale.
Right: full scale cross - section of the structure printed onto foam boards and assembled in 4 pieces. Its purpose is to give scale, represent the dappling effect through the holes, and illustrate the assembly and fastening method.